If you’re reading this, you are there! Our website, on which we worked for almost three months, is now online. We hope you will find there answers to all your questions about our product.
From this Wednesday, we are launching the pre-sales. By these pre-sales, we give you the opportunity to take an interest in our kibbles and also to support us in our launch. It is very motivating for us to know that there is an interest in our product.
Regarding sales, we have confirmed and other promising contacts with several distributors in Brussels and Wallonia. Dates will soon be confirmed for product launches in several organic stores and independent pet stores in September and October. From 01/09, points of sale will be added to our website as we go. In addition, the list of veterinarians who will offer our kibble will also be available.
As for production, the bags have been ordered and should be ready by the end of July. It will then be necessary to go ahead with to the production of the kibbles. We recently visited the factory where the kibbles will be made. The infrastructure and logistics associated with this type of product are simply amazing! And this is all the more so when we know that we are “small” producers because we have only ordered “only” 10 tonnes 😊
Needless to say, we can’t wait to finally get them and give them to taste to your four-legged companions.
There are only 48 days left until our official product launch and delivery to the people who have ordered us for pre-sales.
Can’t wait to be in september ! (but until then, have a good vacation!)